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​Leeds City Council


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

6:00 PM





  1. February Patrol Report





 Public Hearings

  1. Steven Zimmer-Call In

  2. Trina Holter-Circle Sanitation

  3. Cindy Schmidt-Lake Region Health District-Alcohol Ordinance

  4. Hendrik Pretorius

  5. Leeds-York Sportsman Club (Wildlife)

  6. Wang-Call In


Water / Street Supervisor/Landfill

  1. Water Plant Rehab Project Update

  2. Street Sweeper-Rugby/Devils Lake

  3. Crack Sealing

  4. Water Line Loop (R. Larson/G. Jorgenson)

  5. Broken Curbs

  6. Water Break

  7. Store Update- Todd Nelsen



Auditor/ Financial Information

  1. Report

  2. Timesheets

  3. Fund Balances & Profit & Loss

  4. Aged Balances

  5. Reconciliation

  6. Debt Recap

  7. Sign invoices


Approve Minutes

  1. February 12, 2025


 Additions to the Agenda


Old Business

  1. Nuisance Properties

  2. Gravel Bid Publication

  3. Industrial Park Address

  4. 2026 Budget

  5. Sign Agreement with Avante Advisory for Tree Grant

  6. Sign Quit Claim Deeds and Purchase Agreements


New Business

  1. Dump Ground

  2. Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant Program- City Hall Building

  3. North Central Planning Council Year End Report

  4. Park Vue Apartments-Amendment

  5. Lady Wildcat Day

  6. Benson County Job Development Authority Meeting

  7. NCPC Benson County Job Development Authority Micro-Loan Fund

  8. April- Tax Equalization Meeting- April 2, 2025 @ 6:00 pm

  9. BC Waterboard Meeting-April 1st- Minnewaukan Courthouse

  10. April & May Meeting Dates



Accounts Payable









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