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Leeds City Council


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

6:00 PM




  1.  January Patrol Report





Public Hearings

  1.  Brent Johnson-NDTC

  2. Hendrick Pretorius

  3. Dakota Pierce-Upahead (Zoom) 7:00pm



Water / Street Supervisor/Landfill

  1. Water Plant Rehab Project Update

  2. Store



Auditor/ Financial Information

  1. Report

  2. Timesheets

  3. Fund Balances & Profit & Loss

  4. Aged Balances

  5. Reconciliation

  6. Fund Transfers-motion to approve

  7. Debt Recap

  8. Sign invoices



Approve Minutes

  1. January 8, 2025



Additions to the Agenda




Old Business

  1. Nusiance Properties

  2. ND IT-Eric Pederson 

  3. Fee Schedule Resolution



New Business

  1. EDC add to City Website

  2. Building Permit

  3. Bravera Checking Account

  4. March & April Meeting Dates



Accounts Payable





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